Friday, May 29, 2009

Herbs & Spices

It has been a long and busy 23 days. I had no intention of "abandoning" my blog for so long. A lot happened: It rained so much in Charleston, i got busy eating. Everything from bok choy to squash, bell peppers, tomatoes etc. Even my corn is responding to my love. I have never grown corn outside of Nigeria but it is happening. I am getting more confident about growing food that we eat back home, here in Charleston. The climate is very similar so why not?If you choose to try just go to your local African store and ask for yams for example. It is like Yucca only less starchy and a credible complex carbohydrate. Red beans (not Kidney) are the same too. The American staple menu of foods can be flat out boring. For me, if I spent a lifetime eating the foods here alone, it would be like living a lifetime without ever utilizing the right side of my brain. I find that it lacks "lingering taste". Perhaps the best way to describe this is the feeling one is let with after spending time with someone they love. Lingering taste is what keeps one from getting hungry too soon after eating. It curbs one's appetite and creates a "healthier relationship" with a dish. I think "lingering taste" ensues with the help of herbs and spices. For 4 days i kept a log of how much herbs and spices i used on typical Nigerian dishes. I used between 8 and 13! Amazing only when compared with American staple dishes. Now one can understand how eating like this can "wake up" one's taste buds.
As i detracted from eating badly this is a habit i had to re establish. Herbs and spices are the easiest to grow. Good quality garden soil, a big pot, sunny easily accessible location and your favorite herbs & spices. Good Luck!

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