Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hormones, hardwiring, and set points aside, hunger isn't completely beyond our ability to control. Below are several ways to stave it off when we know we've already eaten enough.

Have a drink—water, coffee, tea, club soda with lime. Often what initially feels like hunger is thirst, and the liquid can temporarily fill your stomach. It can also trick your metabolism to kick into gear tricking your body to burn more calories AHA!

Eat breakfast. Many people who skip it eat much more later. Eat a king's breakfast, a Prince's lunch and a Pauper's dinner.

Delay. If you're hungry even though you think you've eaten enough, give yourself 20 minutes to consider whether you're feeling real hunger or boredom, stress, or unhappiness.
Count each bite: think about every bite you take. It encourages you to plan a nutritious and tasty meal. Also, think "HARA HACHI BU". The Okinawan cultural habit of calorie control , which means eat only until you are 80% full.

If a mealtime is coming up in an hour or so, remind yourself of that. Just knowing there's only a short wait can give you incentive to hold off a little longer.

Chew gum. It can quiet hunger aches for a while. This does not work for me though, I always have a fruit: orange /banana in my purse.

Avoid processed foods, which are usually stripped of filling elements like fiber and water. . .

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